different types of worksites
"historical monuments"
VOlunteers worksites
You can have access to our worksite from 16 years old.
Volunteering is a rewarding experience that is useful both for you and communities. Our association enable the saving of monuments and make them more visible.
It is not just about original hollidays but also about being active for heritage !
Moreover, vonlunteering on our worksites doesn't require any prior formation : our staff is here to explain everything ! Training the volunteers is also one of the association's goals. This worksite experience is an opportunity to get familiar with working techniques (stone cutting, bricks, masonry...).
Don't hesitate to read the words of former volunteers : right here !
To enjoy your worksite, it is better if you are motivated, in good physical health and open to life in community. Camp rules and safety ensure everything goes well ; they are to be respected by all volunteers, under or over 18.
Our workers and organizers are present all the time during the whole stay.
2022 volunteers worksites :
"historical monuments" worksites
You can have access from 16 or 18 years old depending on the worksite.
Those training course are financed by the French ministry for Culture (general direction of heritage). They are supervised by an Architect in cheif of historical monuments (Architecte en chef des monuments historiques), an Architect specialized in French main buildings (Architecte des bâtiments de France) or an Heritage architect (Architecte du patrimoine).
Working sessions are lead by a professional specialized in tackled technique. They lead to concrete realisations on site.
The technical level is higher than on volunteers worksites, as well as the number of working hours.
2022 "Historical Monuments" worksites :
training course worksites
You can have access from 17 years old.
The association proposes training courses that introduce a large amont of technics and work methods on built heritage.
Those courses deal with heritage according to the ethics set by the Venice Charter : diagnosis of the building, hygienic conditions, measurements, stone cutting, design of arches...
Those training courses, organized by C.H.A.M, are similar in their organization to the "Historical Monuments" worksites. They are composed of both theoretical and practical sessions.
annual training worksites
Annual worksites have been organized by the association since 2010. The aim is to help youngsters to integrate by training them and giving them a professionnal and concrete experience, all the while protecting and sensitizing to heritage conservation.
Those worksites are set with the disposal of the Civic Service that deals with people aged 16 to 25. No prior diploma or formation is requested for this mission of general interest. They help value their territory and their local heritage all the whie getting a useful experience for their professional future.
For more information about the Civic Service, you may go on the official websote : Agence Nationale du Service Civique.
For more information about how to do a Civic Service with us, this way !
2022 annual training worksites :
integration worksites
They are a specific governmental disposal that aims at helping social and professional integration. They are called "Ateliers et chantiers d'insertion (ACI)".
Ministère du Travail - source : https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/emploi/insertion-par-l-activite-economique/article/les-ateliers-et-chantiers-d-insertion-aci
cooperation worksites
C.H.A.M association also answers to request from international organizations. It then helps organizing and overseeing the worksites. Those may be intended either for volunteers or employees.
They are notably dedicated to actors wishing to train on heritage conservation so as tu reuse afterwards the competency aquired on the worksite.