Vue générale de face de la Jumenterie
Atelier de taille de pierre en extérieur
Plan rapproché d'un bénévole qui travaille la pierre
Vue générale de face de la Jumenterie
♜ The Lude Castle is among the Loire Castles that are the most northwards. The site of the Lude has been occupied since the early Middle Ages. It is an important stronghold, probably created to defend the kingdom of France from the Normans after their first raids and then from the English during the Hundred Years War. In 1457 it becomes the residence of King Louis XI's chamberlain, Jean Daillon. During two centuries the Daillon family will transform little by little the medieval fortress into a pleasant residence. At the end of the XVIIIth century it is reorganized by the marquise of Vieuville and then by the marquis of Talhouët one century later. The Lude Castle is a great testimony of four centuries of French architecture ; it is listed "Historical Monument" in 1992.
The broodmare was built to raise stock mares. It is located in the castle's gardens and was built between 1854 and 1869. There is only one other exemple of this specificround shape in France which makes it a rare building. The global structure of the building is still present but the roof and framework have been torn down.
Building located in an area listed "Historical Monument" in 1992 (The Lude Castle)
Conservation and restoration of masonries
Hébergement en dortoirs dans un logement fourni par la municipalité
Adresse à retrouver sur la feuille de route une fois l'inscription faite
d'Aubigné-Racan train station
a vehicle from the association will come pick you up
Arrival : on Sunday 2nd afternoon
Two technicians of the association
285 euros de pension complète + 30 euros de cotisation annuelle